Assemble an Emergency Preparedness Kit

No one wants to run around a dark house looking for essentials during a power outage. Make life easier by stocking a big, waterproof tub with these items:

Basic first-aid kitBattery-operated fansCar charger for charging cell phonesCashFlashlights (one for each family member)Garbage bags for sanitationHand-crank or battery-powered radio and an NOAA Weather RadioHand sanitizer, baby wipes, and dry shampooTool kitWhistle (to signal for help)

When assembling your kit, include an ample supply of backup batteries in various sizes for your flashlights, radios, clocks, camping lantern, and any other vital tools or appliances that run on battery backup. Make sure you store any batteries in a dry place at normal room temperature without the contacts touching. And don’t forget to label your kit and store it where it’s easy to find. Make sure every family member knows where it is. Finally, check it every six months to stay on top of replacing expired items and updating your supplies as your family’s needs change.

Stock Up on Water

Although it is unlikely your municipal water supply will quit functioning, it has been known to happen. For example, Des Moines, Iowa, a city of over 200,000 residents, went without running water for 12 days in July 1993 when its water treatment facility was inundated by floodwater. And if you have a well that relies upon electricity to pump water, you’re out of luck when the power goes off. The National Safety Council suggests that when preparing for a power outage, you must stockpile enough water for at least three days. You’ll need one gallon of water per person per day to function. If you’re preparing for a three-day emergency, you’ll need 12 gallons of water for a family of four. Also, stow additional water for cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene, and pets. You should know how to store potable water (safe for drinking or cooking) for emergencies. You can buy bottled water at a store, of course. But if you want to save money, fill clean soda bottles or milk jugs with tap water. Make sure you disinfect the containers first, though. Wash them in warm, soapy water, then sanitize them with a solution of one teaspoon liquid household bleach per gallon of water. Leave the solution in the container for two minutes, then pour it out. Rinse the container with clean water before filling it with tap water. Screw the lid on tightly; date the container; and store it in a cool, dry place.

Stockpile Nonperishable Foods

Store shelves might be emptied as soon as the weather forecast is announced. So instead of fighting the crowds, keep your pantry stocked with shelf-stable foods that don’t require cooking.

Peanut butter (or any nut butter) Nuts, seeds, and peanuts Powdered and evaporated milk Packaged tuna Canned and dried meat Crackers, cereal, and granola bars Canned and dried fruit Canned fruit or vegetable juice and canned vegetables Beef or chicken bouillon Instant coffee, tea, and powdered drink mixesComfort foods such as cookies and chocolate

Include pet food for four-legged, feathered, and scaled friends. And don’t forget to put a manual can opener and scissors where you can find them! It may be tempting to buy in bulk, a great way to save money. But pay attention to expiration dates since discount stores sometimes sell food about to expire.

Fuel Up and Charge in Advance

Because gas stations power their pumps with electricity, it’s important to fill your car’s gas tank before the storm hits. No power means no fuel. You may want to get gas for your backup generator at the same time. (Portable generators emit carbon monoxide, so never use one inside your home or garage.) Fully charge all your electronic devices, as well as any plug-in hybrid cars, to maximize the amount of time you’ll be able to use them. Do you want to cook with a propane stove, gas, or charcoal grill? Stow an extra propane container or additional charcoal bags in the garage. And if your home includes a fireplace or wood-burning stove, keep the woodpile stocked when temperatures dip.

Prep for Cold Temperatures

Blankets are a must in preparing for a power outage. But if your region of the country comes with severe winter weather, you should also include quality sleeping bags (one for every family member) as part of the emergency supplies. They’re great for trapping body heat, especially the pricier down-filled versions that keep you toasty warm at below-freezing temps. Look for models that unzip so you can also use them as blankets. Emergency thermal blankets (also known as space blankets) made of thin aluminized polyester film are an effective yet extremely inexpensive option if storage space is limited. They’re windproof and waterproof and reflect heat back to the body to help you stay warm. Tuck a few of these compact warmers in the car for emergencies when away from home base. And finally, keep plenty of firewood on hand if you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace or wood stove to heat your home. Still unsure about how to prep your home for a power loss or looking for tips on longer-term electricity outages? Get more information about planning for disasters at