We try to reach for fresh fruits and veggies whenever possible, but when it comes to convenience and affordability, there’s no denying that freezer aisle offerings can’t be beat. If you’ve ever wondered if you can save time by popping them in the oven as-is, we have good news. To make sure you aren’t compromising on crispness or flavor when roasting, though, follow these easy guidelines for making the best-ever roasted veggies straight from the bag.

Dial up the heat

Crank your oven up to 450 F to preheat. Roasting vegetables in a super hot oven will help them get deliciously caramelized. As with any frozen food, veggies are prone to releasing condensation as they thaw—baking them in a sizzling oven helps evaporate any remaining water rapidly so they won’t start to steam in their own moisture (a mushy disaster).

Completely coat your vegetables with oil

When prepping your frozen veggies, make sure that each piece is fully covered in a thin layer of oil, like EVOO or coconut oil. The fat will help your cauliflower or corn crisp up evenly on the outside while keeping their interior tender.

Preheat your baking sheet with oil, too

We already know that preheating your pan is a genius hack for saving time when roasting. But did you know that it’s also a great way to boost browning and tenderize your veggies? Before transferring ingredients to the baking sheet, add a drizzle of olive oil to the bottom of the pan and place it in the oven empty as it preheats. By the time the oven’s up to temp, you’ll have a nice hot pan that’s ready to roast. This way, the second your frozen broccoli or beans hit the metal surface, they’ll defrost rapidly and avoid the soggy texture frozen vegetables acquire if they start to steam.

Choose similar sizes

Rather than adding frozen sweet potatoes, spinach, and string beans all to the sheet tray at once, roast veggies that are similar in size and texture together (like broccoli and cauliflower florets). This way, everything will cook at the same rate and you won’t be left struggling to get the near-burnt spinach off the pan before the potatoes have even started to soften.

Don’t forget to season

Salt and pepper are absolutely necessary, but feel free to add other fresh or dried herbs and spices to your mélange: rosemary, cumin, paprika, parsley, garlic… all fair game.

Give them a toss

Halfway through baking, pull out the sheet tray and give your vegetables a gentle toss to redistribute them over the pan’s surface. This promotes even cooking and crisping. Once they’re finished, you can stir your roasted veggies into pasta, serve alongside salmon, or toss them in storage containers meal-prep style to eat in lunches and dinners all week.