Whether you’re lamenting the lack of reading time in your life or you simply want to read more books, you’re not alone. According to time management expert Julie Morgenstern, author of Time Management From the Inside Out, the new normal has meant a loss of reading time. “For a lot of people, their commute was their reading time, and they’ve lost that,” she says. So, in order to read more, people need to build new habits around reading to make sure it happens. Here’s how.

How to read more

“There’s a blurring of boundaries between work and home life,” she says. “To reclaim that time, you need to put edges on day. Go for a walk before work and after work, even if it’s just around the block, so you’re marking the end of the workday physically, simulating the commute.” “Make it with someone you want to stay connected to,” Morgenstern says. Not only will that be incentive for you to keep reading, but it will provide another way to stay close across the miles.