How to Grow a Citronella Plant

A member of the scented geranium family of plants, citronella plant is often stocked alongside the herbs in the garden center. Sometimes it will even be labeled as a mosquito plant. Look for a plant that has healthy, deep green leaves. Then, gently remove the plant from the container and take a peek at the roots. The roots should be bright white and just beginning to reach the edges of the container. Avoid plants that have tightly matted roots along the outer edge of the root ball. Citronella plant grows equally well in full sun or part shade. In regions with intense summer heat, give your plant afternoon shade. A porch or patio that receives morning sunlight and some afternoon shade is perfect, especially in containers where you can easily grab a leaf to release some of the refreshing perfume. Or grow citronella plant in the ground along a walkway where you are likely to brush up against the leaves. It only releases its refreshing, vibrant, lemony scent when its leaves are touched. Citronella plant grows best in well-drained soil and will even tolerate dry soil. Avoid wet or boggy growing areas because citronella plants may rot in soggy soil. In a container, use an all-purpose potting mix.

Watering and Feeding Citronella Plants

Like all scented geraniums, citronella plant grows best when its soil is allowed to dry slightly between waterings. Here’s a citronella plant watering plan: water a potted plant deeply, allowing excess water to flow out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the container. Don’t water the plant again until the top inch of the soil is dry to the touch. When it’s dry, water deeply again. Water citronella plants growing in the ground when the top two inches of soil feel dry to the touch. Citronella, like other scented geraniums, doesn’t require much fertilizing over the course of the growing season. Mix a slow-release fertilizer into the soil at planting time to satisfy its nutrient needs.

How to Overwinter Citronella Plant

To overwinter your citronella plant indoors, move it into your home when night temperatures dip to 45℉ in the fall. If citronella remains outside when temperatures fall much below that point, it will have a hard time adjusting to indoor growing conditions. It’s best to bring your citronella inside as soon as cool nights become the norm. A sunny window is a perfect winter home for a citronella plant; south or west facing windows let in the brightest light. Or you can use grow lights as well. Water your citronella plant whenever the soil is dry to the touch. Move it outside again in spring when all chance of frost is past and night temperatures stay above 45℉.