One of the most important areas to look at in the home is the front door. In feng shui, we call the front door the “mouth of qi.” Qi is universal life force energy, and so the front door is the main portal in which we can receive positive energy and opportunities. The front entrance also symbolizes your face to the world, how others see you, or their first impression of you. On an everyday level, the entry is also the last thing you see before you leave, and the first thing you see upon your return home. In feng shui, we acknowledge all the subtle ways in which the front door can greatly influence your mood, well-being, health, and prosperity. A fun and simple way to change your feng shui is to switch up the paint color of your front door to correspond to your intention. Here’s our list of the best paint colors for your front door, according to feng shui. RELATED: 6 Popular Gray Paint Colors You’ll Never Regret, According to Pros