Still, that doesn’t mean all personal finance tips need to fall by the wayside. Instead of abandoning all money management tips, try focusing on smaller ones. Money-saving tips that can be started and finished in minutes are easier to accomplish than broad goals such as using the Debt Snowball to pay off debt, and the financial benefits begin adding up almost immediately. Buying a $3 coffee every day doesn’t seem like a big deal, but at the end of the year, that’s more than $1,000 on coffee. The best personal finance tips work the same way, but in reverse: Completing them will save a tiny bit of money at first, but after a year or longer, the savings will really stack up. For small, actionable savings goals, Real Simple turned to Marcus by Goldman Sachs, a personal loan and online savings account service with financial workouts to help anyone get into monetary shape. Start with these tiny personal finance tips; once they’ve been checked off, check out Marcus’s Financial Fitness Workout Plans for the bigger lifts. Once you’re fee-free, the financial gurus at Marcus suggest depositing the same amount you were spending on fees into savings every month.